kelamaan gak pegang kompi gini niehh jadinya,tiba tiba gak kreatip (dari dulu juga gak kreatip kok!).Jadi critanya nieh aku br pulang dr DRG buat control regular,berhubung belakangan sibuk ujian n latihan koor diGereja buat persiapan festival ntar natal 3 paroki,jadi control nya agak telat(ampe 3bln!).Dasar lagi apes,kemaren sariawan parah banget,bibir sampe luka luka kaya' abis digigit ama..ehmmm (malu malu),pokoknya performanya memalukan lah!Jadi tadi ama DRG nya diledekin melulu..
"blon malam minggu kok udah cobel?"
AARGGGGGGG.......its not like what u think doc!!
gak kebayang semua perawat n doctor di praktek pada senyum dengan tatapan yg paling memiliki arti sedunia...jadi pengen cepet cepet selesai control,ehhh malah bracet ku lepas.SIAL SIAL SIAL....makin lama deh diDRG nya,ampe sempet bobo dikursi -gak tau apa namanya tapi kursi pasien yg bisa naik turun yg ada dipraktek dokter gigi-berhubung bracet nya harus dipasang ulang.Yagh emang salah ku juga sihh,kayaknya gak lagi lagi deh ngunyah tulang ayam ampe lumat!
Itu tadi crita tentang this morning ku yang...agak membuat malu.
Klo soal persiapan x-mas nya daku...hmmm honestly blon beli apa apa tuhh.Niatnya kemaren abis dapet dana beasiswa mo langsung shoping kado kado,tapi celingak celinguk keliling medan fair plaza gak nemu yg sreg di ati,ehh malah neoprint ama evy n dnok.Kayanya ntar sore musti diniatin nieh nyari kado natal nya,sekalian beli celana buat seragam ntar festival koor (tinggal 1 minggu lagi bo'tapi gw blon juga apal liriknya,PAYAH!!).
ASTAGA...dah ampir sore nieh,padahal ada janji ama tukang jait buat ngukur baju.....KAYAKNYA RESOLUSI TAON BARU KU GAK ADA YG TERPENUHI,JUST LIKE USUALL ME...ALWAYS LATE!!
Friday, December 17, 2004
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
do you love god?
This is a true article that was printed in a southern newspaper less then a year ago
There was an atheist couple who had a child. The couple never told their daughter anything about the Lord. One night when the little girl was 5years old, the parents fought with each other and the dad shot the Mom, right in front of the child. Then, the dad shot himself. The little girl watched it all. She then was sent to a foster home.
The foster mother was a Christian and took the child to church. On the first day of Sunday School, the foster mother told the teacher that the girl had never heard of Jesus, and to have patience with her.
The teacher held up a picture of Jesus and said, "Does anyone know who this is?" The little girl said, "I do, that's the man who was holding me the night my parents died."
If you believe this little girl is telling the truth that even though she had never heard of Jesus, he still held her the night her parents died, then you will forward this to as many people as you can. Or you can delete it as if it never touched your heart.
Funny, isn't it? Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says. (Or is it scary?)
Funny how someone can say "I believe in God" but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes" in God).
Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week. (Are you laughing?)
Funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me. (Are you thinking?)
Pass this on only if you mean it. Yes, I do Love God!!!!!
This is a true article that was printed in a southern newspaper less then a year ago
There was an atheist couple who had a child. The couple never told their daughter anything about the Lord. One night when the little girl was 5years old, the parents fought with each other and the dad shot the Mom, right in front of the child. Then, the dad shot himself. The little girl watched it all. She then was sent to a foster home.
The foster mother was a Christian and took the child to church. On the first day of Sunday School, the foster mother told the teacher that the girl had never heard of Jesus, and to have patience with her.
The teacher held up a picture of Jesus and said, "Does anyone know who this is?" The little girl said, "I do, that's the man who was holding me the night my parents died."
If you believe this little girl is telling the truth that even though she had never heard of Jesus, he still held her the night her parents died, then you will forward this to as many people as you can. Or you can delete it as if it never touched your heart.
Funny, isn't it? Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says. (Or is it scary?)
Funny how someone can say "I believe in God" but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes" in God).
Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week. (Are you laughing?)
Funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me. (Are you thinking?)
Pass this on only if you mean it. Yes, I do Love God!!!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
If you're mad with someone, and nobody's there to
fix the situation... You fix it .
Maybe today, that person still wants to be your
And if u don't, tomorrow can be too late.
If you're in love with somebody, but that person
doesn't know...
tell her/him.
Maybe today, that person is also in love with you.
And if you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late.
If you really want to kiss somebody... kiss her/him.
Maybe that person wants a kiss from you, too.
And if you don't kiss her/him today, tomorrow can
be too late .
If you still love a person that you think has forgotten
tell her/him.
Maybe that person has always loved you.
And if you don't tell her/him today, tomorrow can
be too late.
If you need a hug from a friend... ask her/him for it.
Maybe they need it more than you do.
And if you don't ask for it today, tomorrow can be
too late.
If you really have friends who you appreciate... tell
Maybe they appreciate you as well.
That if you don't and they leave or go far away
today, tomorrow can be too late.
If you love your parents, and never had the chance
to show them... do it.
Maybe you have them there to show them how you
That if you don't and they leave today, then
tomorrow can be too late.
whatever u wannna do.......just do it today,cos tomorow could be too late!
If you're mad with someone, and nobody's there to
fix the situation... You fix it .
Maybe today, that person still wants to be your
And if u don't, tomorrow can be too late.
If you're in love with somebody, but that person
doesn't know...
tell her/him.
Maybe today, that person is also in love with you.
And if you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late.
If you really want to kiss somebody... kiss her/him.
Maybe that person wants a kiss from you, too.
And if you don't kiss her/him today, tomorrow can
be too late .
If you still love a person that you think has forgotten
tell her/him.
Maybe that person has always loved you.
And if you don't tell her/him today, tomorrow can
be too late.
If you need a hug from a friend... ask her/him for it.
Maybe they need it more than you do.
And if you don't ask for it today, tomorrow can be
too late.
If you really have friends who you appreciate... tell
Maybe they appreciate you as well.
That if you don't and they leave or go far away
today, tomorrow can be too late.
If you love your parents, and never had the chance
to show them... do it.
Maybe you have them there to show them how you
That if you don't and they leave today, then
tomorrow can be too late.
whatever u wannna do.......just do it today,cos tomorow could be too late!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Berakhirnya periode "gratis ngobrol malam"
"xl bebas nya udah mo abis ya dek.."
"iya bang..hari ini terakhir lho..gak kerasa ya..mulai besok kita gak ngobrol kayak gini lagi deh tiap malam.."
"dek..kok kata orang ngubungin pake xl susah...padahal kita nggak yah!bayangin aja ngomong tiap hari selama berjam jam..udah hemat berapa pulsa tuh kita.."
"xl baek yee...kita musti say thank you nieh dek ama xl...udah ngasi kemudahan buat kita yg jarak jauh"
this conversation was happen on last day when my bf n I doing our "night talk" session.Bikin gw terinspirasi untuk posting di blog ini tentang "night talk"nya gw selama beberapa waktu yang lalu.
Gw sih beli xl bebas nya sekitar akhir bln delapan gitu...sebenernya gak niat beli Cuma karena diiming imingin ama ngobrol gratisnya(walaupun saat itu gw gak tau mo ngobrol ama sapa!!) juga karena ditawarin ama si michael,katanya harganya murah dibandingkan ama counter lain (rp.35.000),belakangan gw cek ke xl center ehh harganya Cuma 20.000 perak(sial,gw dipoklek si michael).malamnya sih gw pake buat telpon temen campus gw yg juga pk xl-bebas,cuman temen gw tuh malah marah marah..."ngapain lu telpon gw?kita kan tiap hari ketemu dikampus,mending lu telpon cowok lu aja deh,gw mo ngobrol ama cewek gw nehh,ntar dia gak bisa dial ke gw lagi!"
"siaulll..." Gw mikir bener juga sih...seharusnya gw tuh mikir dulu sebelum beli ini mo ngobrol ma sapa yaaa???
Akhirnya selama beberapa saat gw gak make itu xl-bebas lagi...SAMPAI suatu hari yang membosankan pas gw lagi dikamar gak tau mo ngapain,iseng iseng gw ngedelete nomor2 yg gak kepake di phone book Hp.Dan tiba lah gw pada satu nomor orang yg dulu pernah gw kenal tapi sekarang gw gak tau rimbanya dimana...Niat nya sih mo ngemastiin apa tu nomor masih aktip ato nggak,jadi gw miscall deh!DAN TERNYATA SODARA SODARa..nomor itu masih IDOP...dan yg lebih tak disangka tak diduga nomor itu mengirimkan sms nya ke nomorku...dan yang lebih mengejutkan nomor itu sangat mengharapkan adanya "signal" dari nomorku for all these years.. (apa maksud nya tuh???)
Singkat cerita nih..secara perlahan kita jadi mulai "terhubung kembali" setelah sekian lama gak tau rimbanya.Dan datang lah ideku untuk memanfaatkan si precard "xl-bebas" sebagai salah satu fasilitator proses"terhubung kembali"nya antara nomorku dan nomornya.
Somehow,proses itu berjalan dengan lancar...percakapan terjalin setiap malam (BAYANGKAN TIAP MALAM!!) dan kehidupan mulai berubah.Gw jadi punya ritual kehidupan malam bo' dan...EHMMMMM..I found my self in the middle of relationship (hihi jadi malu nih).walaupun kadang dikampus gw agak kuyu,pengaruh night talk session,tapi gw senang abis bo'
"kamu kok agak tulalit belakangan ini?"
"kamu kenapa sering senyum senyum sendiri?"
"kenapa belakangan ini setiap kuliah pagi kamu selalu telat???"
"lagi lagi kamu telat!!!!"
well at least setelah periode night talk session ini akan kembali ke ritual malam gw yang biasa...(baca novel,ngerjain laporan kertas kerja,nyukur alis,meriksa tugas tugas anak kls6,dengerin kiss fm ampe jam 2 pagi,main game warcraft 3 sambil sekali kali ngintip gambar "aneh" yg dikirimin temen via email)
Yahhh..bebas ngobrol malam emang udah berakhir...tapi kayaknya memberi sebuah permulaan yang baik buat "nomor" gw dan "nomor" nya setelah sekian lama nomor itu menjelajah kemana sih pengen nya nomor itu gak lagi tulalit ato kehilangan signal nya...harapan gw nomor gw dan nomornya terhubung kembali,dan kali ini untuk selamanya...mungkin gak ya???
Tauk dehh..pokoknya BIG THANKS TO XL-BEBAS wae lah..
"xl bebas nya udah mo abis ya dek.."
"iya bang..hari ini terakhir lho..gak kerasa ya..mulai besok kita gak ngobrol kayak gini lagi deh tiap malam.."
"dek..kok kata orang ngubungin pake xl susah...padahal kita nggak yah!bayangin aja ngomong tiap hari selama berjam jam..udah hemat berapa pulsa tuh kita.."
"xl baek yee...kita musti say thank you nieh dek ama xl...udah ngasi kemudahan buat kita yg jarak jauh"
this conversation was happen on last day when my bf n I doing our "night talk" session.Bikin gw terinspirasi untuk posting di blog ini tentang "night talk"nya gw selama beberapa waktu yang lalu.
Gw sih beli xl bebas nya sekitar akhir bln delapan gitu...sebenernya gak niat beli Cuma karena diiming imingin ama ngobrol gratisnya(walaupun saat itu gw gak tau mo ngobrol ama sapa!!) juga karena ditawarin ama si michael,katanya harganya murah dibandingkan ama counter lain (rp.35.000),belakangan gw cek ke xl center ehh harganya Cuma 20.000 perak(sial,gw dipoklek si michael).malamnya sih gw pake buat telpon temen campus gw yg juga pk xl-bebas,cuman temen gw tuh malah marah marah..."ngapain lu telpon gw?kita kan tiap hari ketemu dikampus,mending lu telpon cowok lu aja deh,gw mo ngobrol ama cewek gw nehh,ntar dia gak bisa dial ke gw lagi!"
"siaulll..." Gw mikir bener juga sih...seharusnya gw tuh mikir dulu sebelum beli ini mo ngobrol ma sapa yaaa???
Akhirnya selama beberapa saat gw gak make itu xl-bebas lagi...SAMPAI suatu hari yang membosankan pas gw lagi dikamar gak tau mo ngapain,iseng iseng gw ngedelete nomor2 yg gak kepake di phone book Hp.Dan tiba lah gw pada satu nomor orang yg dulu pernah gw kenal tapi sekarang gw gak tau rimbanya dimana...Niat nya sih mo ngemastiin apa tu nomor masih aktip ato nggak,jadi gw miscall deh!DAN TERNYATA SODARA SODARa..nomor itu masih IDOP...dan yg lebih tak disangka tak diduga nomor itu mengirimkan sms nya ke nomorku...dan yang lebih mengejutkan nomor itu sangat mengharapkan adanya "signal" dari nomorku for all these years.. (apa maksud nya tuh???)
Singkat cerita nih..secara perlahan kita jadi mulai "terhubung kembali" setelah sekian lama gak tau rimbanya.Dan datang lah ideku untuk memanfaatkan si precard "xl-bebas" sebagai salah satu fasilitator proses"terhubung kembali"nya antara nomorku dan nomornya.
Somehow,proses itu berjalan dengan lancar...percakapan terjalin setiap malam (BAYANGKAN TIAP MALAM!!) dan kehidupan mulai berubah.Gw jadi punya ritual kehidupan malam bo' dan...EHMMMMM..I found my self in the middle of relationship (hihi jadi malu nih).walaupun kadang dikampus gw agak kuyu,pengaruh night talk session,tapi gw senang abis bo'
"kamu kok agak tulalit belakangan ini?"
"kamu kenapa sering senyum senyum sendiri?"
"kenapa belakangan ini setiap kuliah pagi kamu selalu telat???"
"lagi lagi kamu telat!!!!"
well at least setelah periode night talk session ini akan kembali ke ritual malam gw yang biasa...(baca novel,ngerjain laporan kertas kerja,nyukur alis,meriksa tugas tugas anak kls6,dengerin kiss fm ampe jam 2 pagi,main game warcraft 3 sambil sekali kali ngintip gambar "aneh" yg dikirimin temen via email)
Yahhh..bebas ngobrol malam emang udah berakhir...tapi kayaknya memberi sebuah permulaan yang baik buat "nomor" gw dan "nomor" nya setelah sekian lama nomor itu menjelajah kemana sih pengen nya nomor itu gak lagi tulalit ato kehilangan signal nya...harapan gw nomor gw dan nomornya terhubung kembali,dan kali ini untuk selamanya...mungkin gak ya???
Tauk dehh..pokoknya BIG THANKS TO XL-BEBAS wae lah..
Thursday, October 14, 2004
barusan pulang ngajar..duh capek banget,bukan capek ngajarnya tapi teriak teriak nya itu loh yg gak tahan..(maklum besok anak anak udah pada libur puasa,jd pada gak sabar mo pulang n ngintipin emaknya masak apa buat punggahan)
akhirnya dengan sedikit ide cemerlang aku suruh anak anak itu untuk bernyayi
"ayooo..dari pada ribut,yg mo nyanyi saya kasih coklat ntar "
"bener ya miss..." (suara si loren)
"miss....miss....kata andre dia mo nyanyi buat miss"
"mo nyanyi apa dre"
(malu malu) " ehhhh....ehhhhh......biring manggis "
->andre mulai bernyanyi lagu daerah karo
"tantang jumpa ras nande biring na,tangtang ngerana ras biring manggisku......"
(singkat kata lagu nya berakhir dengan nada yg membuat penciptanya menangis tersedu)
"miss...andre mo nyanyi lagi" (si loren lagi berperan sebagai juru bicara)
"ayo andre,mo nyanyi apa" (dalam hati berkata "nyanyi mendingan deh dari pada ribut n lari lari dalam kelas trus histeris)
sambil malu malu andre kedepan " miss..andre mo nyanyi buat miss"
"lagu apa dre??"
"hmmmm....hmmmm....lagu nya judul nya IM SORRY MISS JACKSON "
-->all i can do that time is just stunning n wondering look what the television has done to u
barusan pulang ngajar..duh capek banget,bukan capek ngajarnya tapi teriak teriak nya itu loh yg gak tahan..(maklum besok anak anak udah pada libur puasa,jd pada gak sabar mo pulang n ngintipin emaknya masak apa buat punggahan)
akhirnya dengan sedikit ide cemerlang aku suruh anak anak itu untuk bernyayi
"ayooo..dari pada ribut,yg mo nyanyi saya kasih coklat ntar "
"bener ya miss..." (suara si loren)
"miss....miss....kata andre dia mo nyanyi buat miss"
"mo nyanyi apa dre"
(malu malu) " ehhhh....ehhhhh......biring manggis "
->andre mulai bernyanyi lagu daerah karo
"tantang jumpa ras nande biring na,tangtang ngerana ras biring manggisku......"
(singkat kata lagu nya berakhir dengan nada yg membuat penciptanya menangis tersedu)
"miss...andre mo nyanyi lagi" (si loren lagi berperan sebagai juru bicara)
"ayo andre,mo nyanyi apa" (dalam hati berkata "nyanyi mendingan deh dari pada ribut n lari lari dalam kelas trus histeris)
sambil malu malu andre kedepan " miss..andre mo nyanyi buat miss"
"lagu apa dre??"
"hmmmm....hmmmm....lagu nya judul nya IM SORRY MISS JACKSON "
-->all i can do that time is just stunning n wondering look what the television has done to u
Monday, October 11, 2004
kenapa hidup tidak bisa diulang setidaknya 2kali ...karena kalo bisa diulang berarti bukan hidup donk,tapi serial tv!!
lalu klo cuma sekali kenapa tidak dimanfaatkan dengan maksimal....sehingga walaupun hanya terjadi sekali...sepertinya kita tidak pernah menyesal atau berharap untuk mengulangnya sekali lagi...karena semuanya terasa begitu sempurna.....
apakah emang demikian???????????
i dont know...karena sampai hari ini,detik ini,aku masih berusaha setengah mati untuk membuat hidupku yang "hampir" mirip sinetron ini agar tidak mirip dengan sinetron....agar tidak diperlukan acara "rerun" yg sepertinya aku pun tak suka untuk menontonnya
kenapa hidup tidak bisa diulang setidaknya 2kali ...karena kalo bisa diulang berarti bukan hidup donk,tapi serial tv!!
lalu klo cuma sekali kenapa tidak dimanfaatkan dengan maksimal....sehingga walaupun hanya terjadi sekali...sepertinya kita tidak pernah menyesal atau berharap untuk mengulangnya sekali lagi...karena semuanya terasa begitu sempurna.....
apakah emang demikian???????????
i dont know...karena sampai hari ini,detik ini,aku masih berusaha setengah mati untuk membuat hidupku yang "hampir" mirip sinetron ini agar tidak mirip dengan sinetron....agar tidak diperlukan acara "rerun" yg sepertinya aku pun tak suka untuk menontonnya
Thursday, October 07, 2004
new skin(IM BACK)
Finnally....gue ngerti juga gimana caranya ganti skin blog gue.....setelah agak lama menghilang dari dunia perblog-an karena perlu bertapa untuk mencari inspirasi...dan mendekatkan diri dengan dunia perkuliahan ( skripsi nie jadi agak "freaky")
jadi intinya adalah pengendalian diri...(what??????????) wahhh...pokoknya aye seneng dehh,karena semester ini semuanya berjalan dengan penuh kebaikan dan terlihat "well planed".
Dan soal LOVE LIFE...its just never seem this right before...IM IN LOVE...somehow! gak percaya tapi terjadi,yahh seperti katanya kahlil gibran...
dan sepertinya waktu mulai memanggil ku nih...(udah mulai gelap bo' saat nya untuk BELAJARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!)
jadi intinya adalah pengendalian diri...(what??????????) wahhh...pokoknya aye seneng dehh,karena semester ini semuanya berjalan dengan penuh kebaikan dan terlihat "well planed".
Dan soal LOVE LIFE...its just never seem this right before...IM IN LOVE...somehow! gak percaya tapi terjadi,yahh seperti katanya kahlil gibran...
dan sepertinya waktu mulai memanggil ku nih...(udah mulai gelap bo' saat nya untuk BELAJARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!)
Sunday, July 04, 2004
BRAM STOKER's van helsing
i have this book since 2 yrs ago...but somehow i never finihed reading it!! i wonder why???its scary i guess...but i never get the scary part of it?? isnt it weird???maybe cos the tittle "DRACULA"..or i've been intimidating by the tiitle!...some how i got that book last night when i passed my old collection..remind me that i havent read that...when i open the last page i saw the name of VAN HELSING!! dude so van helsing character created by BRAM STOKER...i knew i have saw that name some how when i saw the movie!now i remember its BRAM STOKER!
i should read that book tonight!! i need more courage to read that book...since the cover page REALLY SCARY ME UP.....lets get FREAK UP TONIGHT!!
i should read that book tonight!! i need more courage to read that book...since the cover page REALLY SCARY ME UP.....lets get FREAK UP TONIGHT!!
Saturday, July 03, 2004
which is BEST??
is it PC or LAPTOP??--->i think its pc better,since i dont have laptop hehe...
is it internet or tv satelite??----->i choose internet,i got no satelite too hehe
is it cat or dog----->i love both of them,but i think dogs put more loyalities to theis master
is it daughter or son??----->daughter is more sensitive then sons,but sons always protect their mother,dauther n sons are equall
is it FRIENDSHIP OR GEBETAN???---->i prefer last forever u know!
is it internet or tv satelite??----->i choose internet,i got no satelite too hehe
is it cat or dog----->i love both of them,but i think dogs put more loyalities to theis master
is it daughter or son??----->daughter is more sensitive then sons,but sons always protect their mother,dauther n sons are equall
is it FRIENDSHIP OR GEBETAN???---->i prefer last forever u know!
2 days before "D" day
IM WAITING FOR the day.....wanna know why? cos we will have first time president ellection directly....n its my DAY.....
i should get ready for :grown up ...SOON
i should get ready for :grown up ...SOON
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