Monday, March 26, 2007


Ladies and gentleman please welcome.....
ME !!! :D

yeah, im back from civilization...HOHOHOHO (tangan diangkat keatas sambil bergaya seperti pahlawan bertopeng)

Phewww...setelah menghabiskan 10 hari cuti R & R (baca:rest and relax) dikota Medan, tadi pagi tepatnya jam 6.40 daku bertolak dari Lanud AU, Medan menuju bandar udara Lasikin, Simeulue. And now at 9.00 aku sudah duduk manis didepan komputer ku yg sudah amat kurindukan ini, sembari mengechek email email penting yg masuk...(baca: email gosip dr crist, email lowongan dari jobdev, email berisi tips menikmati buah yg baik dan benar..ahh benar benar email yang amat penting!!)

what was my activities during the R & R ??
kebanyakan sih diisi dengan TIDUR!! yeah, TIDUR DAN MAKAN, atau MAKAN SAMBIL TIDUR...???
dan beberapa aktifitas yg menggembirakan lainnya, diantaranya :

1. Day one -Friday : ke pajus and USU with Ari from Surabaya, sebelumnya singgah di rumah psr v ketemuan ama nek iyo and uwan. Di USU kita ambil foto , trus makan bakwan goreng cincang pake sambal kacang..hahaahaa makanan nya mahasiswa tu genk!

2. Day two -Saturday : Pagi pagi benar sudah melangkah keluar dari rumah, dengan bermodalkan driver si ari of Surabaya dan aku sebagai penunjuk arah, melalang buana lah kami pagi itu...sarapan di kedai samping musholla. Dilanjutkan dengan nongkrong di tempat tongkrongan jaman kuliah ku dulu, WARINTEK DR MANSUR, haha...yep! inilah tempat tongkrongan ku bareng eva n crist waktu kami masih kuliah dulu...bermodalkan 5000 perak udah bisa deh duduk ampe sore minum teh botol ama main inet...rencana sih akan ketemu ama si crist ditempat itu, tapi akhirnya kami ketemuan di distro elevate, sambil aku beli topi blackjack and polo shirt. Dari sana kami (crist, ari and I) pergi ke Maria Annai Vellangkani Shrine in Tanjung Selamat. Dan yg paling menggelikan adalah, aku lupa jalan nya..hahaaa....wahh bener deh, aku tu anak medan, lahir dan besar dimedan, tapi kok ya bisa lupa gitu lohhhh....hahaaaa
disini kita ambil foto dan mengagumi arsitektur gereja katolik dengan style kuil india...aku juga sempat doa rosario di kapel nya...
after that kita belanja oleh oleh di Berastagi Store untuk dibawa Ari ke Surabaya, dari sana kita makan siang di Es teller 77 Medan Fair, sambil ketemuan ama Mitha. Ngobrol ngalor ngidul, akhirnya kita semua sepakat pergi ke Istana Maimoon (Istana Sultan Deli). Seumur hidup ku baru kali ini lah kuinjakkan kaki di istana, dan yg paling tak mengenakkan adalah kejadian saat kehilangan Helm di parkiran Istana Maimoon. Padahal saat itu kami telah mempercayakan kendaraan kepada tukang parkir. Yg ngebuat semakin ngBTin adalah situkang parkir malah buang badan dan marah marah....
hellloooo yg kehilangan mah kami, kok situ yg marah seh ????Ugh...dasar!!
ok..ok..lanjottt lagi!
Pulang dari Istana Maimoon, hari udah sore banget ...nyampe rumah uda jam 8 malam, langsung mandi and cabut lageeee...wah wah wah!!
Dinner di M-walk sambil cuci mata ngeliatin anak muda medan yg pada cakep cakep ...gila deh, aku ampe ngences ngeliatin yg seger seger ...maklumlah udah berbulan bulan yg aku liat tu cuma Gurita, hiu, ama cumi...hahaaaa
ngalor ngidul sambil makan and cuci mata akhirnya pulang dari M-walk uda jam 2 pagi...baru nyadar setelah kok M-walk uda sepi banget, and counter2 nya pada mulai tutup....duhhh saking asik ngobrol coy!!

Day 3 -Sunday : nganterin si Ari ke airport Polonia for Surabaya Flight, but sebelumnya kita Gereja dulu jack! jelas lah..uda lama banget ni gak nerima sakramen ekaristi...ada kerinduan tersendiri...(spiritualisme mode on :p).
after nganrin si Ari, aku n emak pergi ke pasar ramai, cuma untuk beli sarapan..abis nya aku uda kangen kali pengen makan miehun goreng ibab pake telor bebek yg digoreng diatas api arang...nyummmmmm....yummmy!! trus pulang, tidur...ampe besoknya! (gw tidur dari jam 2 siang ampe jam 9 pagi keesokan harinya...) hahaaa gw tidur kaya orang pingsan aja deh!

Day 4 -Monday : Tidur.....bangun trus Makan, trus Tidur lagi....Makan lagi.....nonton tv, tidur, makan sambil tidur....dan tidur!

Day 5 -Tuesday : Lunch @ Sunplaza with Emak, then do some shop...
beli baju Unionbay @ warehouse station, beli peralatan snorkling and dive suit @ sportstation, trus belanja CD Tompi 'playful' and CD Frank Sinatra
and.....singgah de di tempat si B (ehmmm....)
pulang kerumah, cape' deh....
trus TIDUR (lagi!!)

Day 6 -Wed : Siang mulai keluar dari rumah, dijemput si B (ehmmm...) pergi ke toko IT dekat Novotel buat perbaikin MP4, trus ke jalan Pandu hunting SEPEDA!! yup, gw hunting sepeda MTB 26" SoftTail untuk alat transportasi gw di Simelue...BIKE 2 WORK!!
setelah liat berbagai sepeda dan harga, kami crosschek ke Carrefour and Rodalink di S.Parman. Sambil makan siang di Solaria @M.Fair me and B ngebahas soal spek spedanya...akhirnya sekitar jam 7 malam kami balik lagi ke Pandu untuk beli sepeda KAWASAKI aluminium frame dengan spek double suspension, disc brake, shimano revo-shifter, yg spek nya hampir sama sih seperti Vektor keluaran Polygon namun berbeda jauh di harga.
Mmm...kaya nya malam itu aku berdamai dengan si B ...hahahahaaa...cinta lama bersemi kembali ni nampaknya????

Day 7 -Thurs : early morning rakit sepeda dan langsung test drive keliling johor, ampe ke komplek rispa rumah si ardian. Dari sana lanjut ke Namorambe rumah eva....wah ini sih ga jelas antara test drive apa marathon ??
Pulang kerumah udah sore sekitar jam 3an, langsung mandi (berhubung dari bangun tidur belum mandi and sikat gigi...upsss!) and tidur tiduran sambil nonton tv....pokoknya gak jauh jauh de dari TIDUR!!

Day 8 - Fri : Ke Gramedia Sun Plaza beli novel (ampe beli 9 biji gank!!) with Crist and Mita, trus beli celana REEBOK di Sportstation, lunch at Cabe Rawit...abis itu GW BOKEK DEH hahahaaa......

Day 9 - Sat : ketempat si Mitha di Klambir V, nyanyi nyanyi pake live music di iringi permainian keyboard oleh Desy...FUN!! tersalurkan juga nafsu bernyanyi ku ....thanks GOD.....PUASSSSS!!
Pulang nya di jemput si B (ehmmm...) di tempat Crist. Kita dinner bersama bonyok dirumah...hohoho and after ama dia main gitar di teras rumah sambil nyanyi nyanyi...ahhhh ampe jam 11 jack!!
what a day!!

Day 10 - Sunday : Tidur ampe siang, alhasil ga ke gereja. Sore nya pergi ke resto 64 pesan makanan buat family dinner. After that aku bantu in emak masak baby kailan with chicken

that night menus--> Kakap putih asam manis dengan sari jeruk
--> Liong Soup
--> Seafood soup
--> baby kailan with chicken
--> nasi merah dengan santan
jam 9 si B (ehmmm...) datang lagi kerumah, ikutan dinner tapi gak join the family... duduk di teras

Day 11 - Monday : Belanja keperluan untuk dibawa ke Simelue, mulai dari coklat segala coklat ampe ikan teri medan
Siang nya tidur ampe senja. Bangun tidur terus packing barang dan mandi. After that tidur lagiiiiiiii.........

Day 12 - Tue : Departure to Sinabang


p.s : Libur weekend ntar aku mo snorkle ahhh

Friday, March 09, 2007

veronika decides to die

veronika decides to die, originally uploaded by bitiqe.

finally finished with this Paulo Coelho’s book. I never read any of him before, and this is my first time, if not because Uli-my house mate- I am sure i never knew Paulo Coelho...from the first page i turn this book...every line...and sentences makes me stunning

"It is about madness and the need to find an alternative way of living for people who frequently have to face other people's prejudices because they think in a different way."

Veronika seems to have everything she could wish for. She goes to popular night spots, she meets and dates attractive young men and yet she's not happy. Something is lacking in her life. That's why, in the morning of 11th November 1997, Veronika Decides to Die. After taking an overdose, Veronika is told she has only a few days to live.

This story follows Veronika through these intense days as to her surprise, she finds herself drawn into the enclosed world of the local hospital she is staying in. In this heightened state she discovers things she has never really allowed herself to feel before: hatred, fear, curiosity, love - even sexual awakening. Her experiences lead her gradually to realize that every second of her existence is a choice between living and dying.

After finished with my reading, i keep wondering how come Coelho able to describe this thing in a very straight way, then i found that he was at the mental hospital during his early youth age.

He was suffering from 'admission syndrome'. Normal people who, at some point, find themselves in an abnormal situation - such as depression, panic, etc. - occasionally use illness as an alternative to life. That is, they choose to be ill, because being 'normal' is too much like hard work.

-"So what is insanity??" zedka asked - this is my favorite line of Veronika decides to die, makes me stop a while and recollecting all my memories of sanity.

Because sometime, we have the 'other' us hiding inside, waiting for revealed, and one day when we unable to keep them again, you become different to other, and so they called you INSANE!!

Between normality and madness, which is basically the same thing, there exists an intermediary stage: it is called 'being different'. And people were becoming more and more afraid of 'being different

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I've been Tagged by Rush...

Six weird things about my self
(actually me, my self, already weird...hehe)

1. I can eat non-stop for the whole day, and still i gain no extra weight. I believed there are some colonies of tapeworm living inside of my tummy, oh well i love those tapeworm anyway...

2. I, sometime when i'm idle, have a virtual conversation with my virtual counterpart about "things" and somehow that "things" will happen...just like few months ago, i have this virt convers about death, how will i act if my dad died, will i do the cry me a river? whose going to give the condolence speech? keep thinking about my dad's die...then suddenly a week later after that, my best girl called me and told me that her pap' has already gone last night....its not my dad...its my bestfren's dad...

3. I have a weird taste on man... one time i get attracted with white, skinny and neat guy, but the next time i considered short, chubby and tan guy as a prospective man of me. the truth is I dont have a patern-taste on man...and every man that i considered attractive, are considered as unattractive man by mostly all of my fren..they said I have a weird taste on man!

4. I speak loud as if i speak with 20metres far away person, but he/she is standing right in front of me..they will said " perlu teriak teriak kaleeee"
i think this is not my weird things...but my bad habit..*yaeelllaahh*

5. Im a real arm-chair traveller, sitting in my arm-chair reading about travelling, adventures, places and dreaming of visiting those my arm-chair of course..*alias tukang mimpi*

6. Over self-confidence, im comfortable walking alone in foreign place, talking to strangers, meet- in-person with ppl i never met before, going everywhere alone and mostly do everithing as single player...

Now, as i already confess you think im a weirdo ????

Next baton goes to...ummm who ever deh!