Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Im the marvelous cheff

I cooked ...

Believed it or not ...
And NO ONE DIES ...hooohohooo, i should get an award,
or Guiness book of Record maybe??

anyone interest for spageties ala remote island delivery from SIMEULUE ISLAND...??

- spageties replaced with mi gomak (tak tau bahasa inggrisnya)
- corned beef replaced with river buffalo meat cincang in traditional market
- fresh tomato soup replaced with saos botolan
- green paprica replaced with cabe ijo
- red paprica replaced with cabe merah
- big onion
- black pepper replaced with masako (wakkss jauh banget bedanya??)
- tiram sauce replaced with soya sauce (bener bener jauuuhhhh)
- parsley replaced with daun bawang (the only one available in mess10 kitchen)

I wonder why those people are not getting sick or die after eating my spageties??


pyro said...

daging kebo?? masako?? cabe ijo??? gosh, i'm wondering why they didn't die too!

and i am NOT atheistic, thank you very much. maybe if you had read closer u'd've understood.

bitiqe said...

u not atheistic??? really...??? fine then....hehehehee

Giel said...

Mbak Yul... kreatifitasnya over dosis! heheheh...
gak usah repot kirim2 tester ke rumah ya... heheheh
di tunggu deh resep 'spektakuler' yang lainnya...